(registered association)

Hradec Králové, November 2009
First Revised: March 2014
Second Revised: March 2019


Article 1
General provisions

  1. The Czech Deaf Youth, z.s. (hereafter “CDY”) is an association of deaf and hard of hearing. It was established in accordance with Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code.
  2. CDY is a non-governmental, independent, non-political and voluntary organization. CDY is a legal entity.
  3. CDY’s registered office is in Prague.
  4. CDY operates throughout the Czech Republic.


Article 2
Mission and activity

  1. The aim of the CDY is a general support of its members, culture, education towards responsibility and humanism, personal development through publishing, cultural and social, recreational sport and rehabilitation activities.
  2. Within its activities the CDY works closely with experts and volunteers. The CDY respects any activity and responsibility of the state authorities in caring for the deaf youth and offers participation in its implementation in all areas. It cooperates with governmental and non-governmental entities, legal persons and natural persons in the Czech Republic.
  3. The CDY raises and gathers financial funds, such as grants from the grants of the central state administration authorities, local authorities and sponsors, in order to ensure the fulfilment of its mission and aims.
  4. The CDY also cooperates with international and partner organizations abroad and with the media.
  5. The CDY addresses the public, disseminates information materials and produces publications.


Article 3
Membership of the CDY

  1. The CDY members can be any natural person with a hearing loss, and up to the age of 35. In case the persons are younger than 18 years, an agreement from their legal representative is required in order to become a member.
  2. The membership begins:
    1. based on the application of the applicant where the applicant gives their consent with the statutes of the CDY;
    2. and after having paid the membership fee, on which amount the General Assembly of the CDY decides, and the the Committee of the CDY agrees.
  1. The membership of the CDY expires:
    1. by a written notice of withdrawal from the CDY member;
    2. in case of a member`s death;
    3. by an exclusion of a member should he/she violate the valid statutes despite the warning without any serious reasons. In such case the Committee of the CDY decides on the member`s exclusion;
    4. by a failure to pay the membership fee by the end of March of the given year;
    5. by termination of the CDY;
    6. on reaching the age of 35 years.


Article 4
Rights and obligations of the CDY members

  1. Each member has a right:
    1. to elect and be elected to the authorities of the CDY;
    2. to participate in the activities of the CDY;
    3. to be informed of all relevant facts relating to the activities of the CDY;
    4. to make proposals, suggestions and queries concerning the activities of the CDY;
    5. to be present at the General Assemblies, and at the social events of the CDY. The members older than 18 years have a right to vote at the General Assembly;
    6. to appeal against decisions of the authorities of the CDY.
  2. The CDY members are obliged:
    1. to adhere to and follow the Statues of the CDY and fulfil the resolutions and decisions of its authorities;
    2. to adhere to the rules of decent conduct at the meetings of the authorities of the CDY, and at all events associated with the CDY, to respect the mission, principles and methods of the CDY, to heed their good reputation as well as that of the CDY, to be active and generally a beneficial member of the CDY;
    3. to pay the membership fees in the amount specified and by the specified deadline;
    4. to notify the CDY of the change of address (correspondence address), email address and the mobile phone number.


Article 5
Authorities of the CDY

  1. The authorities of the CDY consist of:
    1. the General Assembly of the CDY;
    2. the Committee of the CDY;
    3. the Chairman;
    4. the Revision Committee.
  2. The language on the authorities of the CDY is Czech sign language and written Czech language.
  3. The members of the authorities respect the principles of decent conduct, objectivity and factuality of a discussion, the length of a discussion contribution is limited to three minutes unless circumstances justify a longer contribution. The Chairman of the CDY has the right to to exclude (after reprimand) from negotiations and consequently sanction any member who does not respect these principles.
  4. Voting is public and elections are secret. The authority decides to vote for or elect any changes in the method of voting and election.
  5. In case of an equal number of votes for and against, if necessary, the voting shall be repeated until the clear decision is reached.


Article 6
The General Assembly

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme authority of the CDY, is convened as needed, usually once a calendar year.
  2. The General Assembly is convened by the Chairman of the CDY on his/her own decision or by the decision of the Committee. The Chairman of the CDY is obliged to announce to all members the place, time and agenda for the meeting in an appropriate form at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
  3. All members of the CDY form the General Assembly. The Chairman of the CDY manages and organizes the meeting of the General Assembly. The General Assembly reaches the quorum if at least a quarter of the CDY members over 18 are present. Unless the General Assembly of the CDY has the quorum, the substitute General Assembly shall be convened within one month, which is then entitled to accept any decision by the absolute majority of the present members of the CDY.
  4. Each member of the CDY has only one vote, even if he/she holds several functions. The General Assembly takes decisions by the absolute majority of the present members of the CDY, in case of dissolution of the CDY, the two-third majority of the present members of the CDY decides.
  5. The General Assembly of the CDY namely:
    1. determines the tasks and directions of the activity of the CDY;
    2. evaluates decisions and approves the activity of the CDY;
    3. approves and amends the Statutes of the CDY;
    4. elects and dismisses the members of the Committee;
    5. elects and dismisses the members of the Revision Committee;
    6. approves the results and report on the management of the CDY;
    7. approves the budget of the social events of the CDY;
    8. decides on the dissolution of the CDY.


Article 7
The Committee of the CDY

  1. The Committee of the CDY is the executive authority of the association which is responsible to the General Assembly. It manages the activities of the CDY in a period between the meetings of the General Assembly. The meeting of the Committee of the CDY is convened and chaired by the Chairman, as needed, usually once every three months.
  2. The Committee consists of five full members (the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Treasurer and two members of the Committee) and two advisory members. Advisory members are CDY members who received the 6th and 7th highest votes in the committee elections. Advisory members may participate in all Committee meetings under the same rights and obligations as full members of the Committee, except for the right to vote (not entitled to vote). If one of the regular members of the Committee resigns during his term of office, he/she shall be automatically replaced by the first Advisory Member (elected by the 6th highest number of votes). If a second member of the Committee resigns, he/she shall be automatically replaced by the second Advisory Member (elected by the 7th highest number of votes).
  3. The members of the Committee are obliged to participate actively in the activities of the CDY and perform the functions of the association to which they were elected to. The members of the CDY are obliged to attend all meetings of the Committee (except for serious health or personal reasons).
  4. The members (full and advisory) of the CDY Committee shall be elected at the General Assembly for a two-year term of office and shall run from the date of their election. If more than 2 full members of the Committee resign during this two-year period, the Chairman is obliged to convene a General Assembly within 3 months, where a new staff (5 full members and 2 advisory members) will be elected.
  5. Missing Advisory Members may be elected at any meeting of the General Meeting if this option is included in the invitation to the General Meeting as a regular item on the agenda.
  6. The Chairman is obliged to obtain in advance the approval of the members to be voted on at the General Meeting. It is appropriate that the members of the Committee are over 18 years of age.
  7. The Committee has a quorum if an absolute majority of its members is present. Only one vote per Committee member. The Committee shall take its decisions by a simple majority of the members of the CDY Committee present.
  8. In justified cases and with the agreement of the President, the Committee’s deliberations and decisions may also be conducted by electronic forms.
  9. The Committee performs namely the following tasks:
    1. prepares an agenda of its activities resulting from resolutions of the General Assembly, leads and regulates the activities of the CDY;
    2. ensures the implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly;
    3. issues the meeting and organization rules and other necessary instructions;
    4. draws up an overall draft budget of the CDY;
    5. approves the use of grants, donations and contributions in respect to its activities;
    6. manages the assets of the CDY;
    7. determines the amount of the membership fees;
    8. decides on the acceptance and exclusion of a member of the CDY;
    9. discusses the written proposals on the amendments to the Statutes;
    10. discusses and resolves issues and tasks, unassigned by these Statutes to another authority of the CDY;
    11. in justified cases and with the agreement of the Chairman, dismisses the Treasurer, whose function is then taken over by a member of the Committee till the the proper election at the General Assembly;
    12. in case of the liquidation appoints a liquidator of the CDY.


Article 8
Chairman of the CDY

  1. The Chairman of the CDY is a statutory authority of the association which represents the association externally.
  2. The Chairman of the CDY is elected for a term of two years, or more precisely, until the new Chairman has been elected. Any member of CDY over 18 may be elected as the Chairman. A candidate for Chairman of the CDY shall submit his/her official candidacy, including those proposed to the Committee of the CDY at least 14 days before the new elections.
  3. The Chairman acts on behalf and represents the CDY. He/She convenes and manages the meeting of the General Assembly and the Committee. He/She signs the crucial documents and correspondence on behalf of the CDY and informs the Committee about such matters.
  4. In case of serious health or other reasons, he/she is represented by the Vice Chairman. If the Chairman terminates his/her duty without the new Chairman having been appointed, then the vice Chairman shall assume the function of the Chairman until the next meeting of the General Assembly. Should the vice Chairman refuse to accept the function, then any member of the Committee, who is able and willing to take the function, shall assume the function of the Chairman.


Article 9
Revision Committee

  1. The Revision Committee is a supervising authority of the CDY which is responsible for its activities to the General Assembly.
  2. In order to monitor the CDY activities and management, the General Assembly elects the three-member Revision Committee for the term of two years. The Committee then elects its Chairman from their midst.
  3. The Revision Commission may carry out a review of the activities of each entity of the CDY and may supervise management of the CDY at any time, at least once a half year, more often if necessary.
  4. The Revision Committee takes decisions by the absolute majority of its members. The Revision Committee presents a revision report on the activities of the CDY and a report on the management of the CDY for approval by the General Assembly. The Chairman of the Revision Commission has the right to attend a meeting of the General Assembly and of the Committee as a guest.
  5. The main mission of the Revision Committee is:
    1. to monitor the implementation and application of the Statutes and resolutions of the General Assembly;
    2. to monitor compliance with financial discipline, to revise the management of all property of the CDY;
    3. to check on the activities and to review the implementation of the decisions of the authorities of the CDY, to notify the Committee of the weaknesses, to suggest solutions;
    4. to discuss the suggestions and handle complaints concerning the activities of the CDY.


Article 10
Management of the CDY

  1. The CDY with the elected Treasurer at its head manages assets whose sources are mainly membership fees, government subsidies, participation fees, sponsorship and donations.
  2. The assets of the CDY can be used to achieve the objectives of the CDY, and to cover its own activities on the basis of the decision of the General Assembly and the Committee.
  3. The management is carried out in accordance with the approved budget, under the supervision of the Treasurer. The Treasurer checks the status of the management of the CDY in all its aspects, he/she prepares an interim report on the management of the CDY and submits the report at each meeting of the Committee. He/She also prepares a report on the management of the CDY and submits the report for the approval at the General Assembly.


Article 11
Extinction of the CDY

  1. The CDY ceases to exist by a voluntary dissolution or a merger with another association.
  2. Should the CDY cease to exist by dissolution, the Committee shall appoint a liquidator.
  3. When in liquidation, the CDY first pays all debts of the association. In case of the liquidation, assets the CDY may be used solely for publicly beneficial and charitable purposes.


Article 12
Final provisions

  1. The Statutes and their revisions become effective upon their approval by the General Assembly.
  2. The approved Articles of Association shall be incorporated into the Collection of Documents at the competent Registration Court.